hmm almost forgot i haven post the rest of the horoscope.. ohh manZz.. sorry.. hahaXx... ^_-v
HOROSCOPE~~CAPRICORN- WOMENPhysical AppearanceThe Capricorn women in her early years is normally slender and somewhat weak. Her general demeanour lacks confidence. However there is definitive improvement in her constitution after 16 years of age.
The nose is generally long and the eyes are deep set. The face bears a forlorn look. The body below the waist is normally on the thinner side.
Overall appearance of a Capricorn woman is however of a smart and attractive woman.
Mental AttitudeYou have a strong ability to think and you can understand the human nature the way no one else does.
You also have the ability to analyse and understand any concept well and shall possess a good memory. Therefore you will prove good at all professions that require analytical thinking and understanding.
The Capri woman also has the tendency to postpone her actions till the time she is able to clearly see the consequences of what she does.
General NatureYou are quite a reticint person that is you do not speak much. It is not very natural for you to just smile & make friends. It also translates - you are not a party animal. You are modest and polite and do not believe in showing off.
You have a deep understanding of human nature and think and understand the concepts of life and human beings well.When a Capri woman makes friends, she keeps them for a life time.
It is not easy to cheat you. You have a very business savvy nature Methodical working,prudence and the ability to carry on even in most adverse circumstances makes Capricorn people most successful.
Women born in this sign are great organisers and have enormous tolerance, patience and steady nature. You are capable of building a team in which you will not have any favoritism but shall deal with people according to their capacity to deliver goods. You are highly tactful, diplomatic, clever, cunning and selfish.
However on the flip side , if you allow your negative side to dominate , you can easily transform into a cunning person with the ability to cheat others and use them for selfish purposes.
HealthDepression, discontentment, worries and the tendency to keep yourself extremely busy tells on your digestive system.
Skin diseases, injuries to kneecap and dislocations of joints are the other most common problems that a Capri woman faces.
Conservative by nature, prudent and economical - a Capricorn women can amass a lot of wealth in her life.
You do not waste money but save it slowly and steadily. The investments made by you are those which will give you steady and safe income without risk.
However it is also not uncommon for Capri woman to indulge in sporiadic spending spree - leading to temporary financial hassles.
Romance And Sex LifeA capricorn woman loves from heart. You will not tell people about your love, sometimes nor even to the person you love. You shall like simple people with simple lifestyles. You develop strong emotional love for your man and are very sincere and true in your relationships.
Being a practical woman , you do not daydream about romance or involve yourself in casual flings or non serious relationships.
As you are systematic and organised, you can easily control your desires. You are calm and composed from outside even if inside your heart you are brimming of desire.
Your naturalness and desire to rise above the ordinary keeps you a bit aloof but you can be more passionate then other females. You can be ignited by a simple caress.
Your hot spots are toes, knees and naval cavity.
MarriageYou may not strongly want to marry-but you still do. The deep emotional needs of the capricorn borns - along with the need for a stable family life leads to early marriage and they generally have very stable married life.
You are an excellent home maker and you like simple and elegant things-not bright colours but softer ones.
Taking care of children comes very naturally to you and you can contribute significantly in rearing children into intelligent & sensible human beings.
You will have a nature of not generally taking anybody in confidence but you must develop more open relationship with your husband so that he can understand you better and misunderstandings do not crop up.
Ideal MatchGemini, Virgo, Taurus and Pisces are most suitable signs for you.
CautionYou are the one who is equally happy in leading a solitary or a socially busy life. If you are more sure of yourself , you will become more successful.
However great expectations from your ownself and life, fear of future and remorse about the past, some times leads to great depressions for you.
Plan your life properly and give time to everything and aim a bit low. Try to be contented. That will help you surely.
Lucky Days, Numbers And Colours
Fridays, Wednesdays and Saturdays are your lucky days.
6, 8 & 9 are your lucky numbers.
White, green and light blue are your lucky colours.
Recommended Gemstones
Diamond, Emerald and Blue sapphire are your lucky Gemstones. The gemstone you should wear should be of a vibrant Aura and should never have been worn before. Its weight shall be decided as per your body weight and age
VIRGO - WOMEN (August 23rd and September 22nd )
Physical AppearanceYou are tall with a slender body.
Your eyes & hair are dark in color. Eyebrows are curved and bushy. The nose is straight and the forehead - prominent.
Quite an active person, you walk faster than normal females and therefore are unlikely to ever develop a pot belly.
Mental AttitudeAnalysis and research are your strong points. You will try to go deeply into the things and look for the finer prints.
You will try to understand the details of a things and explain them to others.
General Nature
Your nature changes from time to time. You are thorough and methodical and have the habit of keeping things exactly at the same place in a very systematic manner.
A Virgo woman has a scientific bent of mind and will reason and rationalise everything. She also often questions the traditional ideas and ways of life.
Understand human nature is easy for you. Blessed with a sharp brain it is not very difficult for you to manipulate other people. You can disguise your real self and can put forth the face you want for a particular situation.
You can plan well. You can become good diplomats and research scholars.
You look calm and contended n the surface but below that you are a pool of nervous tensions, living on your nerves all the times. You also have a tendency of searching for something which you do not know exactly. This can lead to depressions.
You are quick in actions like walking, talking or reacting and you have little tendency to put on extra weight. You try to keep yourself slim and trim most of the times.
Worries coupled with your tense nature lead to digestive and intestinal problems. You may have problems related to dysentery, typhoid, swelling of intestines and gall bladder stones.
MoneyYour talents and your will to earn money take you to far off places and you shall earn your way up the ladder. You may not start wealthy but you will reach a point where wealth will come to
you easily and automatically.
Romance And Sex Life
For a Virgo woman , romance has a very different meaning in life.
You tend to find a person of higher or atleast equal intellectual calibre and when you find him, you keep him guessing and are not demonstrative yourself. This leads to situations where both the people love each other but neither of them is sure about it.
Even then some of the most strong relationships are possible if someone meets all your criteria .. you will then forget the world and virtually worship him.
On the negative side, you may try to use your partner / lover by manipulative behaviour.
You will like to be known as a nice girl than being known as a charming or beautiful girl.
Your standards are very high - you will not be attracted by someone who gives too much importance to sex. Waist is your hot spot.
MarriageMarriage will be a very rewarding experience for you. You can handle your house most methodically and with a very refined taste.
You are responsible and most efficient. However If your husband is not so methodical and cannot cope with your craze for keeping everything tidy and in its place, take that in your stride and do not become irritable or annoyed with him. Otherwise he may get fed up leading to problems in your married life.
Ideal MatchPersons born in Taurus, Capricorn, Cancer and Sagittarius are best suited to you.
Too much changeability and looking for finer details and finding faults is your weak point. Do not expect too much from every person in the world otherwise, it may become very tough for you.
You should also try to reduce your nervous tensions by playing outdoor games.
Lucky Days, Numbers And ColoursWednesday, Friday, Monday & Thursday are favourable days for you.
2, 3, 5, 6 & 7 are lucky numbers for you.
Green, White & Yellow are your lucky colours.
Recommended Gemstones
You should wear Emerald and Yellow Sapphire. The Gemstones should be of a vibrant Aura and should have never been worn before. The weight can be decided as per your body weight and age.
TAURUS - WOMEN (April 21st and May 21st)
Physical AppearanceThe women born during this period are of middle stature.
The body is plumpy, the forehead - broad and the neck - thick.
Taurean woman normally have a clean complexion, dark hair, bright eyes, well developed muscles,and broad shoulders. They have a nice and friendly way of interacting with others.
Mental Attitude
You have lots of patience and can withstand great hardships. But when provoked beyond limits, you become wild with rage and no power can withstand you.
Taureans are quite conservative and have a strong will power. They also show signs of laziness.
You cannot be deceived into doing anything that you do not want to.
General NatureWomen born under this sunsign have a very calm nature and can put up with lot of provocation.
A Taurean woman speaks less and has a very strong will power . You have more moral and emotional courage than the average women
It is easy for a Taurean woman to maintain harmony in domestic life and live a happy and enjoyable life. Very dependable and faithful , you are also a good cook and a very good homemaker.
HealthYou are less sensitive to pains and normally enjoy strong health. But if you fall ill, the recovery will be slow because your recooperative power is slow and you seldom co-operate with the doctor due to your stubborn nature.
Diseases effecting the throat and lower abdomen like tonsils, diptheria, throat infections colds, constipation trouble you. Pimples and sore eyes are also a sore spot for you.
You should avoid cold stuff and maximise intake of green vegetables to remain fit and healthy. Long walks are best exercise for you and you should have sufficient sleep also.
MoneyYou are one of the few people who steadily earn and save money. You should be cautious while spending.
You can have a strong temptation for gambling also. You can become a good broker/ money arranger/ banker. It is not uncommmon for you to measure your success only from your savings.
Romance And Sex LifeTaurus females are not outgoing types. They will prefer to kep themselves ocupied in their own affairs and still attract people.
Once in love, you are very romantic and develop a strong attraction towards opposite sex .However you are quite slow in reacting. Good surroundings with lot of open air and natural looks turn you on.
Harmony of colours and especially pastel shades of blue and pink are your favourites. Generally, you are not jealous of other females.
Taurus women have a large appetite for sex. Throat is the hotspot for you.
MarriageYou take long time to select your partner, but once married you shall prove to be a devoted wife. Taurus women rarely divorce . You care a lot for your husband .
You are also a very caring mother for your childen and do everything possible to see them in good shape.
Taurean women are good housemakers and do everything in a well planned and efficient manner. Food cooked by the Taurean women is often the best and they do show it well by throwing parties.
Ideal MatchThe males born under Capricorn, Scorpio, Virgo, Cancer and Pisces sunsign are best suited for you.
CautionWomen born under Taurus sunsign may become too lazy and get a tendency of taking life in a easy way.Being very fond of food, you gain weight very soon. This leads to showing down of general metabolism and a number of other problems.
Lucky Days, Numbers And Colours
Lucky numbers for you are 2 & 8.
Friday, Wednesday and Sunday are lucky for you.
The colours most lucky for you are Pink, Blue and White.
Recommended Gemstones
Emerald and Blue sapphire are the lucky gemstones for you. The gems should have a vibrant aura and should never have been worn before. The weight has to be decided as per your body weight and age.
SCORPIO - WOMEN (24th October and 21st Nov)
Physical AppearanceYou have a broad face, a commanding appearance, normally short and curly hair and a muscular body.
Hands are generally long and the stature is above average. The body is well proportioned and overall personality is impressive.
You have a special look in your eyes and a glow in your skin which makes you stand apart.
Mental AttitudeYou have a logical bent of mind and you possess a strong willpower , determination and self-reliant nature. You have the capacity to do original research work and tend to get deep into the mysteries of nature.
Mentally, you can face any situation and tackle it to your own best advantage.
General NatureScorpion woman is a determined one. She is at her best when the going is tough. Added to this is her capacity to remove obstacles and hinderances . She never surrenders but work hards to win.
You have very good imagination and intelligence but you are not quite aware of your ability. But once aware , you can exploit its full potential and do well in any field that you choose.
There is all likelihood that you will have a lot of positive development in your life time. The exceptionally strong vibrations of Scorpio coupled with your ability of self control - gives you an extra-ordinary capacity to attain supreme results.
Negatively speaking - you tend to become compulsive pleasure seeker. You can use a lot of determination only for the purpose of seeking pleasure. You may have a lot of influence on others but can not reform your own self.
You can do very will in the matters relating to business and finance. You are faithful and reliable and you have the capacity to help others even beyond limit. However If your harm anybody it will also be substantial. You also do not give much attention to the feelings of your subordinates.
Scorpion woman is dynamic and thinks very fast - she can out wit her opponents . With her capacity of making right connections she can rise very high in life. You will like a very high quality life and will be able to achieve it.
HealthYou will have a strong constitution and good health. You will rarely have health problems but if they occur , they will take time to cure. The generative organs and the bladder are your weak spots.
You may also have problems like insomnia, inflammations and disorders related to excessive heat in the body.
You shall have plenty of it and shall be able to manage your finances very well. You will also have a strong tendency towards speculation and shall stand to gain a lot through it.
Though the earning part is good - the savings are not substantial. Thus, at the time of need you will face difficulties.
Romance And Sex LifeYou are quite attractive and draw the attention of all males. You may face a problem in choosing the right man for yourself .
You shall be drawn towards slow story book romance. You will enjoy the love life to a great extent but may feel not completely satisfied always.
A scorpio woman is very true towards her lover and expects the same from him that is - total devotion. You will want to have romance in the best of the surroundings and in the most classical way. You have the capacity to seduce your man by a single glance, your power of eyes have a lot to do in romance.
It is not for you to openly declare about being in love. You say it well through your gestures and glances.You do not need any special clothes for the occasion but shall have the capacity to achieve your ends in most ordinary clothes.
You have the capacity of making your voice sweet and magnetic and shall be able to control the man with few words and few glances.
It is not very easy to get you. Every part of the body is a hot spot for you.
MarriageYou shall have a desire to marry early. Once married you can care and love your husband the way no other woman can do. You will try to improve his position and power so that you can be proud of him.
On the negative side , A scorpio woman can have frequent rages of fury and is well capable of destroying her married life . Controlling such rage will work out well for you.
However it has been seen that marriage of Scorpion women is generally stable and the marriage improves the lot of a scorpion woman as well as her husband.
Ideal MatchThose born in Pisces, Scorpio and Leo are ideal match for you.
CautionYou are extremely optimistic and see the world through pink glasses.
You will rise in life due to this nature of yours but it can lead to falls also. You may take risky decisions in all your optimism without seeing the negative possibilities attached to them.
Lucky Days, Numbers And Colours
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and Thursday are lucky days.
1, 2, 3, 4, 7, & 9 are lucky numbers.
Yellow, Red & Orange are lucky colours.
Recommended Gemstones
Red Coral and Yellow Sapphire are the recommended gemstones for you. The gemstones should be of a clear vibrant Aura, the weight of the gem shall be decided as per your body weight and age.
SAGITTARIUS - WOMEN (22nd November and 21st December)
Physical AppearanceYou are tall, fair complexioned and are blessed with a beautiful figure.
The forehead is large, nose is long and the eyebrows are high & bushy.
Eyes are bright and alert as a sparrow's . You can prove to be a good model or an actress.
Mental Attitude
You are coverageous, ambitious and full of drive . You are able to push forward your interests.
You will not be cowed down by the circumstances and are well capable of holding on to your ground even in most adverse circumstances.
General NatureYou take a decision only after studying any problem deeply.
A Sagi woman tends to look at the brighter side of the things and possesses good amount of self-confidence.
She mostly acts as per her desire and is not much concerned about the results. She also has the habit of speaking as she wants to without thinking of the impact it can have on others.
Friendship comes easily to a Sagi woman . She can develop it in a moment and maintain it for a long period of time. You believe in fairplay & justice and often fight for wronged people.
You will work to attain new knowledge and like to pursue higher education. You like to travel and shall go on long and short journeys a number of times in your life. You will also be able to attain your goals fast but after that you tend to waste lot of your energy.
Even after having a fair degree of success in her life, The Sagi woman does not feel satisfied and something deep within them does not let her rest.
You generally have good health and vigour. However there may be various problems related with stress.
As Sagittarious sign governs the hips, thighs and the loins , you can face problems connected with this region. Fractures, pains in joints and swellings in this region are also not ruled out.
You will generally start your career in some kind of service but due to your nature that does not let you be a subordinate for long , you will move over to self employment quite soon.
A Sagi woman makes good money and property in your lifetime and shall be considered a successful and wealthy person.
Romance And Sex LifeYou have a great desire to be in romantic setting, but you do not let your partner understand this. He will not be able to quite figure out your romantic nature as your outer crust is very cool.
In addition to this you say certain things out of your honest nature which will dampen your lover's desire. This may lead to lots of crying though no one will understand you even then. But still, due to your glamour and beauty many men will be interested in you and you shall have a fair share of men.
The catch here is : that if you learn over the years on 'how to handle men' - then you can have a love life which will make any woman jealous of you. You can easily win over any man and infact tame him. Once he understands your sincere and honest nature he will be glued to you for a life time.
You will have a great sex life and shall want more of it all the time. You will prefer outdoor settings.
Thighs and upper leg are your hotspots.
MarriageToo many proposals, is a problem for you. Selecting the right man from out of those is even more difficult .
The Sagittarian women are best of the home-makers and they decorate it with a great taste. They keep their men also in good shape and drive them to be more and more successful in work. You can handle the affairs of the house well though the daily jobs look quite boring to you.
You have a great caring nature and you are loyal to your husband and shall stand by him in all the problems of life. You can be a big support for him in tough times. But, as you are not known to express your feelings eloquently , your honesty may sometimes be misunderstood.
Ideal Match
Those born in Sagittarius, Pisces and Gemini are best suited for you.
CautionYou do not have the gift of gab as a result you may often end up putting your foot in the mouth. Be cautius in this regard.
Try to understand the world better. Think how the other person will react before you speak. This will save you from many problems.
Lucky Days, Numbers And ColoursThursday, Wednesday and Sunday are lucky days for you.
Lucky numbers are 3, 5, 6, & 8.
Lucky colours are Yellow, Green and light Blue.
Recommended GemstonesYou should wear a yellow Sapphire along with an Emerald. The gemstones should be of vibrant aura and should never have been worn before. The weight shall be decided as per your body weight and age.
PISCES - WOMEN (February 22nd and March 21st)
Physical Appearance
Generally, Piscean women are seen to be not very tall and plump.
The eyes are quite big and protruding. Hands and feet are either strikingly beautiful or else improportion, big and bulky.
The shoulders are muscular and spherical.
Mental AttitudeYou are philosophical, restless and honest. You can go beyond your means to help people in need.
Not perturbed easily, you can help even your opponents calm down by your gentle behavior .Your nature is to forgive and forget.
General NatureYour mind is not very steady. It often wanders from spiritualism to materialism . This reduces your concentration thereby making it difficult to achieve your full potential. A Piscean woman may also lack in self confidence. However that does not deter her from being an expert planner .
You will aim very high and can develop right connections to achieve your aims. Generally, Piscians develop good connections that they encash at the right time.
You are either at the top of the ladder or else at the bottom of it. Generally, Pisceans being too ambitious either rise to very high positions or else turn into dreamers and are unable to fight the battle of life.
You will have a strong wish to go to foreign lands and visit beautiful places.
HealthYou may be drawn towards excesses that means you may be eating and drinking in excess, making you ill. You may suffer from varicose veins or guinea worms.
Problems connected with lever, ankles and feet are possible. You should take care of them.
MoneyGenerous by nature and ever helping your friends, you are unable to save much. Though due to your mental capacity, which is far in excess of women of other signs, you have a high income level.
You will not like to depend on anyone for finances and you are wiling to do even extra work to keep your self financially secure.
Romance And Sex LifeVery romantic by nature, you dream of romance. However you may feel somewhat frustrated as the dreams seldom come true in actual life .
You are very suspicious, you will keep a tab on your lover and if you see him friendly with another women you feel the pinch.
You are loyal and once you form a relationship, you continue it for a long time though sometimes you may feel a sudden loss of interest in your partner. Also many a time, Piscean women can carry two or more relationships simultaneously even when it’s long over.
Having a basically shy nature, you are not the one who will make a move yourself in love life. You will expect your lover to make all the moves and you will only react to them.
But, sometimes you can act completely differently. With deception , you can easily control your men with your superior brain and use them for your purposes.
Any foreplay involving water will turn you on, feet are your hot spots.
MarriageYou will dream of marrying a Mr. Perfect and you will want him to have all the qualities possible in a husband. But you will not be working hard to get him. Thus, chances of delay in marriage or a marriage which will not work are not ruled out. You will require a very diplomatic and well mannered husband to stay on.
A Piscean woman keeps good upkeep of her house. Being yourself fond of food and drinks you will stock them well for guests also.
For a stable married love life, you should check your dreamy nature and live in practical world.
Ideal Match
Virgo and Cancer males are the best mates of a Piscean women.
CautionHaving very high desires, dreams and a changeable nature are your worst problems. You should live in the practical world and be less utopian if you want to be successful.
Lucky Days, Numbers And Colours
Thursdays, Tuesdays and Sundays are lucky for you.
1, 3, 4, 9 are your lucky numbers.
Red, Orange and Yellow are fortunate.
Recommended GemstonesYellow, Sapphire, Pearl and Emerald are the lucky Gemstones for you. The Gem should be of a vibrant Aura and should have never been worn before. The weight of the Gemstone shall be decided as per your age and body weight.
bye~.. -=tiNg=-