hahahha as expected as wad i post last entry...
kukubird, tingting, jas, btt n duncan.. hahah... with xiao xiong bao de cam man.. hahah ECP outing cycling.. ahhah finally duncan learnt how to cycle le.. ahahh achievement!! all thx to sat n ts.. haha
hahaha.. with the power of kukubird n tingting... lets see wad will happened to u all!!! hahaha.. =P
WAAAHAHAHAHHA!!! u see them!! oMg.. i'm so evil lahz.. hahahah =P
okayz ppl.. PEACE kayz.. hahahah =P P.S. JAS wad r u doin??? hahahha cute...
hahaha... dun hav really grp pics lahz.. coz someone hav to be the cam man.. ahhaha.. watta duncan.. act wad cooL... dotxx.. hahah
very DOTX de pic... hahahah.. oMg lahz... is not wad u r all thinking worr.. kekekexx..
oMg.. main thing main thing!!! i'm squeezing my own fatty MEAT lahz.. oMg.. wad am i doin!!! hahhaha stupid.. hahahha =P
jas n ting under the hot n shining sun.. ahhahah =P
hahah den after tt went to bedok 85 n eat.. ahhaha huiyu n dimsum bro join us for dinner too.. lolxx.. hahah yummy v full.. hahah.. anyway just to say.. dimsumbro.. come dwn all the way from cck den eat le.. went back cck!! thx so much.. we r so so touched!! hahaha.. =P
okayz.. last pic of the day.. hahahah... ^_-v
bye~.. -=tiNg=-
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